Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life Lesson 7: Creativity is Key

Creativity is a key component in our every day life.  It is one of the few things that balances our energetic bodies completely.  It connects us to our intuition. It makes us happy.  It share so much about who we are.

When I first started taking painting classes, I was afraid to even put my brush on the canvas. I was so afraid I would make a mistake and it would be ruined.  Very telling about my personality.  If you read my post here, you know that how we approach anything is how we approach everything.  I have often been afraid to even start something for fear I would fail and it's paralyzed me.

But more importantly, I learned to make that first brush stroke.  To let it happen.  I still sometimes hesitate but not for too long.  I know I can change it if I don't like it or that I can just have some fun and I don't have to hang it on my wall if I don't love it.  It's about the journey, not the finish line.

And I know that if I am feeling out of sorts, I am most likely in need of some serious creative time.  A little meditative action like a brush stroking a canvas or a pen gracing the surface of a sheet of paper will bring me back into my center and allow my energy to positively flow.

Being creative has become such a part of who I am...I think it's always been there but I haven't felt free enough to let it shine.  I know there is so much more inside of me, just waiting to come out.  I feel we all have a creative desire just craving to come forth and share with the world.

[caption id="attachment_8415" align="aligncenter" width="751"]janis joplin My second hand-tinted photograph. Janis Joplin is one of my favorite musicians.[/caption]
Uncultivated creativity is not benign.  It metastasizes.  It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame.  We are divine beings and we are, by nature, creative. ~ Brene Brown

What do you do to bring creativity into your life regularly?

30 day challenge


  1. I'm really enjoying your Life Lessons series Michele. And I'm so glad to hear your in much greater flow with your creativity these days. I love the comment about it balancing our energy bodies. I'd never really thought about it in quite those terms, but that makes perfect sense. Creativity is all about flow, and jumping the hurdles of stuck/restrictive/repetitive energies so you can move into something new. P.S. What a wonderful Joplin photo!

  2. Such an important lesson- to include creativity in your life. I am such a firm believer in this statement and that creativity can come in many fashions, not just paint and paper. We all need this time in our lives to allow this seed to grow, it is what makes each one of us special. You have so many creative outlets, Michele and I love this photo !

  3. Thank you, Deborah. I'm really enjoying connecting to all these things I've learned and realizing how far I've come in my life. Creativity is a wonderful aspect of our being.

  4. Sue, so true that it shows up in many different ways. Some people solve problems creatively. Some people build or cook or garden, etc. It's wonderful when we can view creativity beyond the standard "definitions."

  5. I've experienced that connection with my intuition. And it's so healing. Writing and collage art have been my outlets. I also feel like there's more in me, wanting to be expressed.

  6. Yes, I agree, creativity is our natural state and when we lose our connection to our creativity we lose our connection to the deepest part of ourselves.

  7. Natural state...what a perfect explanation. I so agree.

  8. What great outlets you have! I'm so glad you have something that works well for you. I can't wait to see what else you share moving forward :)

  9. so much goodness you're sharing here, M;
    I love this daily showing up you're doing!

  10. It has been so fun so far and so easy! I love sharing these tidbits and I love looking back at all I've learned and how I've grown. Makes it kind of all worth while :)
