Monday, August 19, 2013

Life Lesson 5: Just Be Before Acting

It's always better to sit with something before making a decision.  I used to want/feel like I needed to make decisions quickly.  It was very stressful because I often felt like I didn't have all the information to really make a good decision.  Sometimes, I would work myself into a mess, mentally, trying to figure out the best thing to do and then I'd throw out an answer only to find, sometimes moments later, that it was not a good decision to make.  The pressure...the anxiety...the lack of "just sitting with it" didn't allow me to make a decision that would serve me well.

Sitting with a decision is not the same as processing in my head over and over and over again.  It's about just allowing it to be my see how it feels to me.

  • What feels like the right decision to make?

  • What will honor everyone involved?

  • How can best communicate this?

My decisions are much more solid when I've allowed at least 24 hours to go by without giving it a lot of thought but rather just being with it before moving forward.   When I allow the sun to set and see how it all feels in the new day.  Being present, not just with the decision, but with the world around me.

[caption id="attachment_8412" align="aligncenter" width="960"]egrets Egrets along the highway. I had to go up to the next exit, turn around so I could pull over to capture a few shots. Love these beautiful, graceful birds.[/caption]
When do you find you make the best decisions? 30 day challenge


  1. I love that...sitting with it.
    Well said, thank you.

  2. Great post! I have been 'sitting' with a lot of decisions lately, and find they sit much better that way.

  3. Yes, they do. It's amazing what 24 hours or so can do for us :)

  4. Glad to hear you are sitting with it, Jennifer. May you find all the perfect answers in that space.
