Wednesday, August 14, 2013

47 Life Lessons I've Learned Series

Tomorrow I begin the series, 47 Life Lessons I've Learned. The idea came from a blog post by Naomi at Poetic Aperture.  She created a wonderful blog post about the life lessons she's learned and I set out to follow suit, only to realize it felt better to do one lesson a day, each day leading up to my birthday.

[caption id="attachment_8351" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Minnehaha Creek Minnehaha Creek August 10, 2013
Taken during a bike ride around Lake Nokomis, the creek and a visit to Minnehaha Falls.[/caption]

What you'll find in this series of posts will vary.  Some will be short and speak briefly of a lesson I learned.  Others will be longer and go into more detail.  This is because I want them all to flow vs. feeling forced at times when the creative juice or desire to share may not be as strong for me.  Yes, that's a bonus lesson for today...go with the flow.You'll also find my photography in many many as possible.  I am hoping I will have something that fits for every post but, who knows, I may not and I am...going with the flow.  If I don't have something, that's okay and I'll find something else.

While many of these lessons have been learned over a lifetime, many of them are new to me.  These past couple of years have included a lot of transformation for me and transformation brings about lessons.

I hope you'll join me on this journey, leading up to my 47th birthday on September 30th.  Who knows? Maybe you will be inspired to create something of your own.

30 day challenge


  1. Oh, sounds awesome! I would have 47 to list as well :). And I've also had huge transformation over the last few years. I'll think about this and I might just do it because it does tie into gratitude really well.

  2. That's awesome! I'm curious what some of your lessons would be :) I bet they would be profound! It's amazing what opportunities for growth can do for us!

  3. I look forward to this series of posts - i always enjoy reading about transformations and growth!

  4. I am looking forward to writing/sharing them!

  5. What a lovely idea! I am just finishing up a personal 40-day challenge where I am taking at least 25 photos each day inside my house. I've written a few posts about it, have just 4 days remaining when I'll be posting about what I've learned and also a gallery of one photo from each of the 40 days.

  6. What a great challenge, Marilyn! Often, it's in these challenge, we find out so much about ourselves.

  7. Love this idea, and my curiosity is peaked too.

  8. What a wonderful plan - and perfect way to celebrate your upcoming birthday! Stepping stones to your current wisdom age. Looking forward to reading them all. And I love the idea about going with the flow - it will unfold perfectly.

  9. Bravo, Michele. You are doing it! That is so cool. I love how you are adding the personal touch of your photography. Cool. (Love Minnehaha Falls too! Haven't been there in ages!)

  10. It's so beautiful there! I hope to go again before the summer is over...or perhaps a different falls :)

  11. I have Naomi to thank for the idea and I'm really looking forward to seeing what all comes out. I know I have my lessons list but I keep adding to it so who knows where it will all land! It will be fun either way!

  12. It does feel very celebratory! A nice way to honor all I've accomplished and learned :)

  13. Looking forward to hearing all about your life lessons. Great idea for some blog posts too, you are so creative!!
    ps: I also like your new format for comments!

  14. Thanks, Sue! I'm excited to be sharing :)

  15. I am totally going with the flow today and am soaking up the energy that is allowing me to do this. I created a video blog post with easy flow as I let things evolve naturally. This was so spot on. Love your 47 ideas! I'm just four years behind you. ~kathy

  16. I love how you are going with the flow and soaking up the energy today.
