Saturday, August 24, 2013

Life Lesson 10: It’s Okay to Care for Another

Growing up, my mom was a huge caregiver. You could tell she really enjoyed doing acts of service for others.  She still does. It's just a part of who she she shows love.

Growing up, I also felt that she did too much.  For whatever reason, I thought that the man of the house should do more than my dad did.  I felt he took advantage of her in many ways and didn't treat her very well.

I swore I would never let a man treat me that way and that I would never cook and clean for had to be shared or it wasn't gettin' done!

Now, at age 46, I have discovered that I actually really enjoy caring for someone I love.  When I come from my heart, that's the number one thing I want to of service.  Apparently, it is also how I show love.five love languages

I read the book Love Languages probably close to 10 years ago.  I had the hardest time identifying mine and have gone back and forth about what they are.  I realize now that it was simply because I rarely came at anything with my heart wide open because of experiences I'd had in my life and because I had these beliefs about how a relationship should work.

Now I realize that it' a positive way to show love for another.

No matter how you show it and no matter how they receive it.  Just show love.  Every day.

Just in case the book is new to you, there are 5 Love Languages or 5 ways that people show love.

  • Gifts

  • Acts of service

  • Quality time

  • Physically

  • Verbally

Which one or two ways are your main ways you show love?

30 day challenge


  1. I love this!
    I've been wrestling through the fact that I scored the highest on a personality assessment
    as "a helper" and at first that really pissed me off. It's because, I think, I saw so many women become haggard with helping, not taking care of themselves or setting healthy boundaries. I realize it's joy for me also to help and caregive, I just have to work just as hard giving kindness and care to myself in order to balance it out. Brilliant, Michele. I love this journey you're on.

  2. Looks like your world of gray is opening up my friend! Proud of you!!

  3. I'm beginning to actually enjoy the color gray...I sure never thought that would happen LOL!

  4. I can relate! You are so right on about setting boundaries and taking care of ourselves first. We can't give what we don't have and it is so easy to burn out if we only give, give, give. You are a beautiful soul, providing a lot of healing to others through your images and words. I am so glad to hear you are finding that balance!
