Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life Lesson 14: Clarity is #1

If I am not clear about what I want, I can't attract it into my life.

Monday, I was on a call with my coach.  I was sharing with her that I wanted to take a vacation and wanted some help breaking it down and figuring out how to make it happen.  You see, I had lost out on two vacation opportunities this fall that I thought I had scheduled and I was feeling hurt and disappointed.  I needed to shift this into something that I was excited about and would take care of my needs.  And I do mean needs, as my coach gently pointed out on our call.

You see, I identified a few years ago that I really NEED to get away a couple of times a year.  Once in the spring and once in the fall.  Without it, I feel like something is off. So this truly is a need for my well being.  So planning a trip is necessary for my well being.

So I had started with this dream vacation plan that involved about 3 weeks time and about 5000 miles.  I was working on scaling it down and finding a route that would fill my needs and desires and feel doable.  My coach began sharing tidbits for travel...a subject she knows well...and things began to take true shape.  My big aha's during that conversation included:

  • This isn't the only opportunity for a trip in my life and I don't need to do it all at once.

  • There are lots of ways to make something open to the possibilities.

  • I am great at manifesting when I become clear.

Within 15 minutes of hanging up that phone, I had the foundation of a doable vacation laid out that involved water, large trees, mountains, alone time and time with family.  And 10 minutes after that, I had someone email me offering me a spot in their van for a road trip for this fall to the other location that was on my list as really important to me and something I wanted to do soon!  Then she let me know she was also looking to go to another location on that same trip for a weekend and that location would provide me the opportunity to visit another friend who has invited me to stay with her any time.

I was so overwhelmed by my good fortune, I started to cry and actually had to get up and move around to release some of the energy I could feel coming in.
The Universe is more than willing to help a girl out but I have to provide a clear road map.  If I don't know what I want, how can I expect it to show up?

Take some time today to get clear in your life about what you want.

Consider writing it down, creating a vision board, whatever it takes to make it put it out there...and watch as it shows up.

[caption id="attachment_8429" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]road map Road trip to Lake Peppin in Wisconsin September 2012[/caption]

30 day challenge

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