Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life Lesson 17: Proceed with Caution

Things are rarely as they seem.

Sometimes we think we have all the information we need to move forward with a decision or direction in our lives but we don't.

Sometimes it's because we've made up stories in our minds, rather than looking at facts only.

Sometimes it's because our emotions are getting in the way of seeing things clearly.

And sometimes we just don't have all the information.

I used to feel a lot of anxiety when it came to making decisions.  Truth be told, I still do in many ways.  However, I've found ways that work for me to manage that anxiety.

The most effective tool I have found is to not allow pressure put on me by myself or others force me to make a decision before I am ready.  It's important for me to give it some time to sit so I am not making decisions out of fear...out of made up stories...out of anything except love and with as many facts as I can.

This applies to all decisions and letting things sit for about 24 hours seems to work best for me.  Sometimes it takes longer, depending on how big of a deal it is.

So when I say "proceed with caution," you might be shocked to hear that tomorrow's post is entitled, Throw Caution to the Wind; but I simply mean to give yourself the space you need, a safe space, to allow something to just "be" for a bit before deciding how to move forward.

[caption id="attachment_8435" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Lake Peppin Lake Peppin[/caption]
Have you found other tools that are helpful when making a decision about something in your life?

30 day challenge

Friday, August 30, 2013

Life Lesson 16: Pull Out That Stick

While I did play some as a child, work always came first.  In the summer, we'd have a list of chores (most likely crafted to keep us out of trouble) and we weren't supposed to play until they were all done.  I've carried that philosophy into my adult life and always felt that work had to come first and work is never done.  Two more beliefs that are bullshit - just in case you are wondering.

I also didn't have a lot of freedom to just hang out with my friends in high school, first probably because I went to a school that was about 45 minutes away from my home so I didn't have many local friends and then in my last couple of years, I just wasn't given the freedom to be a kid.  There always had to be purpose to the plans being made, or so it felt.  I had an earlier curfew than my friends and was embarrassed by it so I just made up excuses whenever I'd be invited to do something.

Then I had my first child at 19 so I moved right into being a parent and I needed to grow up pretty quick.  Being married to an alcoholic also affected my perceived ability to just be free and relax and have fun.  I was always the driver and I always had to worry about the kids.

So many factors that have made it difficult for me to let my hair down and just have a good time.  And what a so many ways.  I have often been viewed as stand-offish or even anti-social but really I was just always on alert and never felt like I could just have fun.  I have missed out on events because I just didn't want to be the driver or go only to end up taking care of the kids in a strange location so I'd just stay home.  And, frankly, I didn't even know how to play.

But playing is really important.  It is just about doing something fun...about relaxing...about not having a drive or purpose (other than to have a good time).  It's about laughter and friends and family.  Play lights us up inside and fills our soul.

And so I am learning to play...slowly pulling that stick out of my ass.  Here are a few of my recent play dates (sometimes with others and sometimes with myself).

[caption id="attachment_8431" align="aligncenter" width="686"]St Croix Falls WI Day long road trip by myself...not planned in advance.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8432" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Road Trip One of my many bike rides this summer[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8433" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]hummingbird Watching the hummingbirds at Crow Wing Crest in Akeley[/caption]




Thursday, August 29, 2013

Life Lesson 15: Living Inspired By Design

If you want a wonderful inspired must create it.  It doesn't happen by default.

Design the life you want today.

It's that simple.

[caption id="attachment_8430" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Beautiful Tree Heart-shaped Branches and Leaves[/caption]

30 day challenge

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life Lesson 14: Clarity is #1

If I am not clear about what I want, I can't attract it into my life.

Monday, I was on a call with my coach.  I was sharing with her that I wanted to take a vacation and wanted some help breaking it down and figuring out how to make it happen.  You see, I had lost out on two vacation opportunities this fall that I thought I had scheduled and I was feeling hurt and disappointed.  I needed to shift this into something that I was excited about and would take care of my needs.  And I do mean needs, as my coach gently pointed out on our call.

You see, I identified a few years ago that I really NEED to get away a couple of times a year.  Once in the spring and once in the fall.  Without it, I feel like something is off. So this truly is a need for my well being.  So planning a trip is necessary for my well being.

So I had started with this dream vacation plan that involved about 3 weeks time and about 5000 miles.  I was working on scaling it down and finding a route that would fill my needs and desires and feel doable.  My coach began sharing tidbits for travel...a subject she knows well...and things began to take true shape.  My big aha's during that conversation included:

  • This isn't the only opportunity for a trip in my life and I don't need to do it all at once.

  • There are lots of ways to make something open to the possibilities.

  • I am great at manifesting when I become clear.

Within 15 minutes of hanging up that phone, I had the foundation of a doable vacation laid out that involved water, large trees, mountains, alone time and time with family.  And 10 minutes after that, I had someone email me offering me a spot in their van for a road trip for this fall to the other location that was on my list as really important to me and something I wanted to do soon!  Then she let me know she was also looking to go to another location on that same trip for a weekend and that location would provide me the opportunity to visit another friend who has invited me to stay with her any time.

I was so overwhelmed by my good fortune, I started to cry and actually had to get up and move around to release some of the energy I could feel coming in.
The Universe is more than willing to help a girl out but I have to provide a clear road map.  If I don't know what I want, how can I expect it to show up?

Take some time today to get clear in your life about what you want.

Consider writing it down, creating a vision board, whatever it takes to make it put it out there...and watch as it shows up.

[caption id="attachment_8429" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]road map Road trip to Lake Peppin in Wisconsin September 2012[/caption]

30 day challenge

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Life Lesson 13: Do You Want to be Happy??

Years ago, while watching Dr. Phil, he posed a question to a guest that really hit home for me.

He asked if they wanted to be right or if they wanted to be happy.

Yep, I have been a "right-fighter" for most of my life...needing and wanting to be right no matter what.

Not any more.

I don't need to be right.  I don't need to argue with someone over something that really doesn't matter in the big picture. And guess what??  Most of what we argue about doesn't REALLY doesn't!

I just want to be happy.

That's it.  Happy.

[caption id="attachment_8425" align="aligncenter" width="576"]happy At the Tomato Fest this summer. This guy was dancing around and just appeared to be enjoying himself in every aspect.[/caption]

I'm currently reading the book, The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer.  I just got to a section of the book where he talks about there really being only one question to ask you want to be happy?

Don't qualify the answer.

The question is not if you want to be happy and what it will take to get there.

It's not about whether there are certain things in your life that will take away from you being happy.

It's simply do you want to be happy?

Icky crap is going to happen no matter what.  Ultimately, we still want to be happy, right?  Isn't that what it's all about?

That's what I want.  Can I do that no matter what is happening in my life?  I know I will experience moments of doubt...of grief...of sadness...of disappointment.  None of this needs to take away from my overall ability or desire to be happy.

Desire is where the energy goes...I desire to be matter what.
So what's it going to be for you?  Do you want to be happy?

30 day challenge

Monday, August 26, 2013

Life Lesson 12: Love Your Life

To have a life you love, you must love the life you have.

I don't mean just the good stuff...I mean all of it. You must truly love it all.  I don't mean find the silver lining...I mean as is, messiness and all.

Pure love without conditions or judgements.

Can you find a space in which you can love that old car or the fact that you have to work at something you'd prefer not to work at or that you don't have the income you wish you had?

Can you find a space to love the peeling wallpaper or the stained sofa or the messiness of a painful divorce?

You must be able to love it all.  To honor it all.

Only then will you have a life you love.

beautiful skyWhat is it that you have been NOT loving in your life?  What can you do to eliminate it or bring it into a space of love?
30 day challenge

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life Lesson 11: Busy Is Bullshit

I used to be the kind of person who ran, ran, ran.  I worked all the time and then would take classes and whatever to stay busy when I wasn't working.  The truth was, I wasn't very happy and I didn't want to have any down time for fear I might actually connect with how unhappy I was.  If I did have downtime, I would fill it with mindless TV or some other similar activity.  Still keeping myself safe from allowing myself to feel much of anything.

But being busy is bullshit.

Filling our lives full of activities doesn't make us look important.  It doesn't keep us safe.  It doesn't make the hurt or unhappiness go away.  It just keeps us from connecting to who we really are...what we really those around the world.

[caption id="attachment_8421" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]brittney-laughing One of the images from the photo shoot I did at the Arboretum. She was so fun to work with as a model. She just seemed to be enjoying herself so much and was so laid back.[/caption]

Downtime is really important. It is in this space we connect to our feelings, to others, to the world.
Give yourself the gift of downtime today.  Hang out in a on the couch for 10 minutes and do nothing...just enjoy some downtime.

30 day challenge

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Life Lesson 10: It’s Okay to Care for Another

Growing up, my mom was a huge caregiver. You could tell she really enjoyed doing acts of service for others.  She still does. It's just a part of who she she shows love.

Growing up, I also felt that she did too much.  For whatever reason, I thought that the man of the house should do more than my dad did.  I felt he took advantage of her in many ways and didn't treat her very well.

I swore I would never let a man treat me that way and that I would never cook and clean for had to be shared or it wasn't gettin' done!

Now, at age 46, I have discovered that I actually really enjoy caring for someone I love.  When I come from my heart, that's the number one thing I want to of service.  Apparently, it is also how I show love.five love languages

I read the book Love Languages probably close to 10 years ago.  I had the hardest time identifying mine and have gone back and forth about what they are.  I realize now that it was simply because I rarely came at anything with my heart wide open because of experiences I'd had in my life and because I had these beliefs about how a relationship should work.

Now I realize that it' a positive way to show love for another.

No matter how you show it and no matter how they receive it.  Just show love.  Every day.

Just in case the book is new to you, there are 5 Love Languages or 5 ways that people show love.

  • Gifts

  • Acts of service

  • Quality time

  • Physically

  • Verbally

Which one or two ways are your main ways you show love?

30 day challenge

Friday, August 23, 2013

Life Lesson 9: Life is Fucking Messy

Life is fucking messy.

It just is.
Quit complaining about it.
Quit whining about it.
Quit blaming others.
Quit making excuses.
And just deal.

[caption id="attachment_8419" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Centennial Park Bridge Centennial Park Bridge, Edina, MN[/caption]

Connect with who you really are inside.
Decide what's important to you.
Decide how you want to show up in the world.
And just get real.

Keep moving forward.
Enjoy the pleasures in your life.
Let the rest go.

The end.

30 day challenge

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Life Lesson 8: Weight Loss is Not Just Calories In and Out

I have struggled with my weight for most of my life.  According to Louise Hay, weight is about protection...needing to feel safe and secure.  I agree with this.  My whole life has been about feeling secure and most of my decisions are based on how secure I feel in that moment.

About 9 or 10 years ago, I decided to join Weight Watchers.  I was in a different place in my life then.  I was truly living in the moment, enjoying life, experiencing new things and doing a lot of, what Julia Cameron calls, Artists Dates.  Artists Dates are where you do something that is just about you and, typically, you do it alone so the experience is yours alone.  I was taking classes, going places...truly living my life.  It was freeing and joyful.  Over the course of a year, I lost just under 100 pounds.  I maintained that weight loss for a while but began to gain it back when I had a stressful experience at work with an employee of mine.  I stopped everything positive. It was as if someone had flipped a switch.  I reverted back to every bad habit I'd ever had.

Here's what's interesting, though.  In Weight Watchers, I had one free day a week where I would choose to eat whatever I wanted.  Sometimes I really pigged out.  Yes, I was religious about tracking my points on the other six days and, yes, I worked out a lot but I allowed myself the freedom to do whatever I wanted that one day a week.  There wasn't a single weigh in, over the course of that year, that I didn't lose weight.  And I don't think it was just about burning calories based on food and exercise.

I believe that enjoying life and feeling free also burns calories. 

I can't explain it but I definitely know that stress can impact your ability to lose weight in a negative way so is it so far fetched to believe that enjoying your life can affect it in a positive way? 

I am not trying to lose weight now but I've lost 46 pounds in four months.  I bought a bike about half way through that and have ridden it about once a week.  I started doing yoga once a week a few weeks ago.  Other than that...not much exercise.  I do not track my food or "watch" what I eat.  I go out to restaurants, including fast food.  I enjoy food.  I have recently noticed that my portions have decreased in size as far as what I'm able to consume in a meal but nothing I've done has been about losing weight and I'm not doing enough, from a physiological perspective, to experience this level of weight loss.  I would need to be either burning or eating fewer calories than I need to maintain my weight to the tune of 7,000 a week to lose at the rate I've been losing and, I assure you, I don't believe that's the case.  I have also been to the doctor to rule out any medical issues and, other than a very low potassium level (now resolved), I am in really good health.

The big difference in my life is enjoying it fully.  Yes, there is stress present and my life isn't perfect - I would never want to imply that it was anything else - but I am showing up in my life...doing things that appeal to me...trying new things and loving every minute of it.

And that has more value in my health than calories in or calories out.   The difference this time is knowing this is truly who I am and knowing I will never hide behind bad habits again.  I don't need to be protected because I am safe and secure...just because I am.  The walls...the weight...they only create a false sense of safety and security.  True security comes from within.  From showing up.  From being present.  From living in the moment.

And I'm looking forward to a lifetime of that.

[caption id="attachment_8249" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]food fight Covered in tomatoes at the Midwest Tomato Fest, July 2013
And, yes, I've shared this photo in a few places - me, looking like total crap, covered in tomatoes - I would have never let someone take a picture like this, let alone shared it in the past.[/caption]
How present are you in your life?  Are you showing up every day and making it delicious?  You'd be amazed at the difference it makes.

30 day challenge

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life Lesson 7: Creativity is Key

Creativity is a key component in our every day life.  It is one of the few things that balances our energetic bodies completely.  It connects us to our intuition. It makes us happy.  It share so much about who we are.

When I first started taking painting classes, I was afraid to even put my brush on the canvas. I was so afraid I would make a mistake and it would be ruined.  Very telling about my personality.  If you read my post here, you know that how we approach anything is how we approach everything.  I have often been afraid to even start something for fear I would fail and it's paralyzed me.

But more importantly, I learned to make that first brush stroke.  To let it happen.  I still sometimes hesitate but not for too long.  I know I can change it if I don't like it or that I can just have some fun and I don't have to hang it on my wall if I don't love it.  It's about the journey, not the finish line.

And I know that if I am feeling out of sorts, I am most likely in need of some serious creative time.  A little meditative action like a brush stroking a canvas or a pen gracing the surface of a sheet of paper will bring me back into my center and allow my energy to positively flow.

Being creative has become such a part of who I am...I think it's always been there but I haven't felt free enough to let it shine.  I know there is so much more inside of me, just waiting to come out.  I feel we all have a creative desire just craving to come forth and share with the world.

[caption id="attachment_8415" align="aligncenter" width="751"]janis joplin My second hand-tinted photograph. Janis Joplin is one of my favorite musicians.[/caption]
Uncultivated creativity is not benign.  It metastasizes.  It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame.  We are divine beings and we are, by nature, creative. ~ Brene Brown

What do you do to bring creativity into your life regularly?

30 day challenge

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Life Lesson 6: It's All In The Approach

I used to have an assessment tool on my site that I would have anyone who was looking for me to create a website use.  The assessment would allow me to see where they were in their process as well as be able to put together a quality quote for them.  Most filled it out without question and appreciated the opportunity to get clear right away about their project.

And then there was the one.

She contacted me about a website project.  She had a small budget compared to what she wanted done and, when I pointed her in the direction of the assessment tool, she refused to fill it out.  She told me doing anything like that would kill her creativity and that it was my job to pull the information out of her.  I kindly offered to do that at my consultant rates.  She thought that was ridiculous that she would need to pay me to gather all the information I needed to do her project rather than having her supply it for me.

It isn't just the ability to gather information that I gained from using that assessment tool; it was also that I could tell right away how someone would be to work with.  I am, in no way, saying her behavior was bad or wrong...only that her desired process was different than what works best for me. AND I knew, based on how she approached my initial guidance that we would not work well together.  Our styles didn't fit.  I knew I'd be in for an entire project of her telling me my systems didn't work for her and wanting me to do things differently.
Because how we approach anything is how we approach everything.

If I take shortcuts in one place, I'm probably taking them in other places in my life.

If I challenge authority in one place, I'm probably challenging it in another place.

My car...pretty much looks like my home, as far as how I care for it.
Because how we approach anything is how we approach everything.  Life is just one big metaphor.

Take a look at the small things in your life...for a day.  How do you approach the mundane tasks in your life?  With joy?  With frustration?  Can you begin there to bring more joy into your life?  Can you approach them with a renewed outlook?  How do you deal with conflict?  How do you interact with those around you?  Remember, the way you approach something will not only show up in one area.  If we can't see the joy in brushing our teeth, for example....the minty taste of the toothpaste, the cleanliness of our teeth and can we see the joy in other areas - even when it's right in front of our face?

water funApproach life with laughter...with joy...with a sense of freedom to be all you can be.
What will you do to ensure that you are approaching things in your life the way you want to approach all of your life experiences?

30 day challenge

Monday, August 19, 2013

Life Lesson 5: Just Be Before Acting

It's always better to sit with something before making a decision.  I used to want/feel like I needed to make decisions quickly.  It was very stressful because I often felt like I didn't have all the information to really make a good decision.  Sometimes, I would work myself into a mess, mentally, trying to figure out the best thing to do and then I'd throw out an answer only to find, sometimes moments later, that it was not a good decision to make.  The pressure...the anxiety...the lack of "just sitting with it" didn't allow me to make a decision that would serve me well.

Sitting with a decision is not the same as processing in my head over and over and over again.  It's about just allowing it to be my see how it feels to me.

  • What feels like the right decision to make?

  • What will honor everyone involved?

  • How can best communicate this?

My decisions are much more solid when I've allowed at least 24 hours to go by without giving it a lot of thought but rather just being with it before moving forward.   When I allow the sun to set and see how it all feels in the new day.  Being present, not just with the decision, but with the world around me.

[caption id="attachment_8412" align="aligncenter" width="960"]egrets Egrets along the highway. I had to go up to the next exit, turn around so I could pull over to capture a few shots. Love these beautiful, graceful birds.[/caption]
When do you find you make the best decisions? 30 day challenge

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Life Lesson 4: It's Really Only About Perspective

People can have the exact same experiences and, yet, they experience them differently.  This is because we are all operating out of our own agendas, beliefs, past experiences, state of mind, etc. It truly is ONLY about perspective and we can choose to look at something in any way we decide.

A while back, I participated in a photo ecourse where we were to pick a topic and take photos of that topic over the next the 30 days.  I chose to take photos off my balcony from exactly the same spot so I could watch the space transform with the changing of seasons (we were moving into spring).  Truth be told, I didn't finish the course.  I had high hopes but they fell flat as other things crept into my life during that time frame.  In the past, I would have seen it as a failure.

BUT I didn't view it as a failure.

I was just shifting my direction towards something that needed it more at that time.

I found this new perspective early on in the course when I missed a day.  I was so mad at myself.  I did feel like I failed - at that time.  And then it hit's all perspective.  Maybe I can just shift my focus a little.

And so I did.

I moved to a new place on the deck and took a different photo...a different angle. And that was that.  Just perspective.

Photography as given me a lot of healthy perspective over the last year and a half, not just in the photos I take but in life.  I carry my camera with me almost everywhere I go and am blessed to have people who support this quirk in my life.  I see a subject with my eyes...I look at it through the lens and sometimes I see something completely different.  I look for points of interest...interesting to me.

And then it starts all over when I get home...I bring those images up on my computer and look closely to see what I see...did I miss anything?  Does it tell a story?  How do I feel inside when I look at it?

Photography has allowed me to begin to see things in a new light...a way I hadn't seen them before.  A simple shift in perspective that has changed my life.

Here's a few of my recent favorites photos.

[caption id="attachment_8405" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]flower Off the Deck[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8406" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]skyline Minneapolis Skyline + the Lake[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8407" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]barn Photo Shoot at the Arboretum. This caught my eye in the distance as I was leaving.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8408" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]brittany Photo Shoot at the Arboretum.
I've never done anything like this before. We had 4 models for about 12 people and took photos on the grounds of them in sundresses and lingerie. Way out of my box and very fun.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8409" align="aligncenter" width="685"]Sonya Another Image from the Arboretum Photo Shoot[/caption]

Edited 8/19

I had to add this photo because it seemed to be such a perfect example of perspective.  The photo below was actually a "mistake."  My camera didn't focus the way I wanted it to and I didn't capture the intended subject but what came out (which I almost deleted as I breezed through the images the first time) I really love.

30 day challenge

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Life Lesson 3: Life is 50 Shades of Gray

It's not what you think.

If you know me at all, you will know I am a very black and white thinker.

Or at least I have been.

I'm working on it.

me in shades of grayI have discovered many opportunities I may have missed in my life because of my black and white thinking.  I have made many decisions based on thinking something like this...

"Well, if I don't want that; surely this is what I want."

And I couldn't have been further than the truth.

Here's an example.

There were things I believed were missing in my marriage.  I wanted a partner who I shared specific interests with...being creative was one.  My ex has this aspect inside but rarely uses it.  He and I played Pictionary once many years ago and I still tell people he's the one you want for a partner, if you're going to play that game because everything will look exactly like it's supposed to.  He used to take photos but doesn't really any more.  I'm not sure why.

Another one was a sense of adventure.  I wanted someone who wanted to try new things and wanted to get out and about rather than sitting home all the time.  He was a bit of a homebody and rarely wanted to try something new.

There were other things as well...a desire to talk about and explore spirituality...alternative ways to view illness and disease and a desire to heal our pain...a desire to grow as a person.  In my mind, he didn't possess these qualities so the relationship was broken.

Recently, I went on a date with someone.  The sparks were there in all our conversations prior to the actual date.  He had many of the qualities and interests I felt I wanted in a partner.  Within minutes on our date, I knew I had been thinking about this all wrong.  Every quality...every interest shows up in varying degrees...shades of gray.  We can have too much or too little of anything.  For example, this man was really into play and being creative and I was really excited about that.

Until he made the comment that he'd managed to avoid being responsible for much in life for all of his 50 years.

Yep, someone who plays too much may not be a good thing.

I also realized that some things are really personal to me and, while I thought I desired someone to talk to about them (i.e. spirituality), I actually don't.  The level of conversation I have with people in my life currently is plenty good.  Much of what I view as spiritual, I can't always even put words to.  Why I believed I needed more here is a mystery to me and might be something I never fully understand and that's okay.  The important thing is I understand today that, if something isn't working, it doesn't mean I need/desire the opposite...

because life is 50 shades of gray (or maybe even more)!30 day challenge

Friday, August 16, 2013

Life Lesson 2: The Only Way to Life is Love

Much of my life has spent in fear.  I've done many things purely from this space. And it's not good.  Fear will never get us to the space where we can fully enjoy life...where we can fully love life.  It just can't get us there.

love not fearI do my best to ask myself every time there is a decision to be made, "Am I making this decision out of love or fear?"  Just asking myself this seems to have a grounding effect and allows me to find the space to make the best decision, one made out of love, rather than fear.

30 day challenge

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Life Lesson 1: Beliefs are Bullshit

Beliefs are bullshit.   This has been a huge one for me and I will share some of those beliefs throughout these lessons.  I cannot believe how many decisions in life I have made based on beliefs I held that weren't true.  Beliefs change based on our experiences, our perspective and all the information we take in from all the places information is available in the world.  They are not meant to be held tightly at all costs.  They are meant to transform, as more information becomes we grow and come into who we really are rather than who we thought we needed to be or who we were told we were.

[caption id="attachment_8247" align="aligncenter" width="1021"]dragonflies and transformation Dragonfly photo taken along the Cuyuna Trail
July 2013[/caption]

Most of our beliefs are acquired before we are 7 years old.  We are like a little sponge through that age, soaking up whatever anyone tells us.  We accept these beliefs as our own and, often, never question them.  I like to question.  I like to explore.  I like to know that what I believe has a healthy purpose (at this point in my life - that wasn't always the case) and serves me well.  I don't want to make decisions based on beliefs that hold me back, keep me safe and don't allow me to grow as a person. I recently went through a bit of a hard time when I realized how many of my beliefs about relationships, specifically, were bullshit and how I had spent my entire life building relationships based on the bullshit.  I missed out on a lot.  I made a lot of mistakes.  It was in this space that I discovered the true importance of asking myself...

  • Where did this belief come from?

  • Is it even mine?

  • Do I have new information that might shift this belief?

  • Does it allow me to live in the moment?

  • Is it for my greatest good?

Right after I wrote this, I took a quick break and headed on over to Facebook to see what was going on there.  I came across a short video with Byron Katie and thought you might enjoy it.

What beliefs would you like to let go of today?
30 day challenge

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

47 Life Lessons I've Learned Series

Tomorrow I begin the series, 47 Life Lessons I've Learned. The idea came from a blog post by Naomi at Poetic Aperture.  She created a wonderful blog post about the life lessons she's learned and I set out to follow suit, only to realize it felt better to do one lesson a day, each day leading up to my birthday.

[caption id="attachment_8351" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Minnehaha Creek Minnehaha Creek August 10, 2013
Taken during a bike ride around Lake Nokomis, the creek and a visit to Minnehaha Falls.[/caption]

What you'll find in this series of posts will vary.  Some will be short and speak briefly of a lesson I learned.  Others will be longer and go into more detail.  This is because I want them all to flow vs. feeling forced at times when the creative juice or desire to share may not be as strong for me.  Yes, that's a bonus lesson for today...go with the flow.You'll also find my photography in many many as possible.  I am hoping I will have something that fits for every post but, who knows, I may not and I am...going with the flow.  If I don't have something, that's okay and I'll find something else.

While many of these lessons have been learned over a lifetime, many of them are new to me.  These past couple of years have included a lot of transformation for me and transformation brings about lessons.

I hope you'll join me on this journey, leading up to my 47th birthday on September 30th.  Who knows? Maybe you will be inspired to create something of your own.

30 day challenge

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Journey Back to Yoga...It's What I Need

yogaLast night I attended a yoga class.  I'd attended the same class the week before and it was great.  This week, there was a sub so I wasn't sure what to expect.  She was really great.  I loved her voice, the way she guided the class and it was over before I knew it.  She normally teaches a Kundalini Yoga class...guess that's what I'm doing next :)

Yoga has been a part of my life on and off for about 10 years.  It was the first experience of my life where I really didn't care what anyone else thought.  I was able to stay focused on my mat and what felt right for my body and mind.  I felt free to take guidance from the instructors I've had over the years and incorporate it into my practice.

Like many things that are good for us, we sometimes let them go.  Life gets busy. Schedules change. Shit happens. I sure wish getting rid of the bad stuff was just as easy!

Although I love my practice, there have been large gaps over the years where it was not a part of my life.  I am glad to be closing the last gap and back at it.  The sense of just being...of just breathing...of gentle, loving exactly what I need right now in my life.  I am grateful the opportunities are there to bring in what I need.

What is it that you need in your life today and how will you fill that need?

30 day challenge

Monday, August 5, 2013

Top Ways to Increase Engagement on Facebook

facebook engagementI came across a great article by Buffer called 7 Powerful Facebook Statistics You Should Know for a More Engaging Facebook Page and thought you might find value in the information.  In a world so full of information, it can be quite challenging to stand out in the crowd.  Here's a summary of the tips (you can view the full article with the link above) and my thoughts on each one.
Posts with photos get 39% more interaction.

93% of the overall engagement on Facebook is connected to a post with a photo.  When you consider how much information is available there, this is huge!  Of course, be mindful of filling someone's feed with a bunch of photo posts.  They want to enjoy all their connections and you don't want to overwhelm them.  Also, ask yourself why you are sharing the post.  Be sure the reason is relevant.
Shorter posts get 23% more interaction.

Keeping a post below 250 characters gets 60% more engagement than longer posts.  Sometimes you really want to say more and that's okay.  Just know you are less likely to get engagement from others.
Emoticons increase comments by 33%.

Who would have thought??  This is a pretty big difference so consider showing how you feel with the use of an emoticon in your post.
Thursday and Friday are the two best days to post.

Engagement is 18% higher on these days so consider saving those important posts for the end of the week.
Questions get 100% more comments.

Ask away!!  You'll get more comments BUT know that you'll get fewer shares and likes at the same time.AND, oddly, if you include the words "should," "would," and/or "who" you'll get more comments than questions without these words.
35% of fans on pages become a fan so they can participate in a contest.

While this may work well for some businesses, it may not be a fit for yours...consider who you're trying to reach before deciding to offer a contest.
42% of fans like a page to get a coupon or discount.

Same as above...are you looking to get clients or customers who are looking for coupons or discounts?  These types of customers are often not loyal to a brand but are looking for the best deal so be mindful of what your goals are.

Some great tips...a big thank you to Buffer for sharing!!  Be sure to check out their site, using the link above.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Maureen Heinen - August 2013

Our member of the month feature is a great opportunity to get to know more about the members of Be Inspired U and show them a little extra love that month by doing little things to make them feel special.

August's Member of the Month is Maureen Heinen.  Congrats, Maureen!  I had Maureen tell us a few fun facts about herself…
Maureen HeinenQ: How would your best friend describe you?

Smart, fun, funny, generous, wise, wild, a little crazy.

Q: What is your favorite thing about yourself?

I’m a ‘free spirit’ - unconventional, free thinking, open to new things, adventurous.

Q: When do you feel most joyous?

When I’m totally engulfed in something creative, some kind of art or writing.

Q: If you have a business, what would you like to tell us about it?

Send in Maureen is a Professional Organizing Service for the Efficient Use of Time and Space in your Home or Office! In other words... I’m a miracle-worker and life-saver with folks who need help with time or space management.

Q: What’s the #1 thing you’d like others to know about you?

I sometimes amaze myself that I’ve lived through as much difficulty as I have in life. The learning from those experiences has given me a tremendous amount of understanding, compassion and motivation to give other people.

Her Website

And just how can you make a difference today?

  • Connect with her above.

  • Comment on one of her blog posts.

  • Subscribe to her blog.

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