Sunday, September 22, 2013

Life Lesson 39: Sex Is Fun

Well, this is a different topic for me and I really questioned whether I should write this post but the truth is, it's a big lesson I've learned over the years.  I'm not going to go into a lot of detail or anything but I think this lesson is one that should not be's that important, in my humble opinion.

Not only is sex fun and meant to be explored, it is imperative that it occur regularly in a relationship for a relationship to flourish.  Most couples who begin to grow apart find their sex lives decrease around the same time.  In this case, it isn't necessarily sex specifically but it is the intimacy that occurs as a result of sex.  Sex brings two people close together.  It creates connection.  It provides an opportunity to get to know your body in a deeper way and to appreciate it and love it, which improves confidence.  It releases chemicals in the brain that make people happy and reduces stress...all so beneficial in our lives.

We need connection.

We need happiness.

We need to eliminate the negative effects of stress.

We need to have fun and feel alive!

Whether you are in a relationship or not, sexual activity provides so many benefits; it should be a part of your regular routine.  While I am sure there are varying reports out there, I think the last one I read said 4x a week or more is best.  I wonder if that sounds like a lot to you...

When it comes to a relationship, I realize withholding sex was one of the biggest downfalls in my marriage.  It is not a bargaining chip.  Denying each other and myself pleasure was just plain wrong.  It's difficult to feel close to someone without a physical connection.  And when we no longer feel so close, we care less and less about making things work.  All relationships require effort and intimacy is one really important factor in creating and maintaining a sense of intimacy with another person.  Even if we aren't withholding out of anger...maybe it's just being tired...once you get's always fun so why not just say yes?!

And keep it fresh and exciting.  Try new things so you don't fall into a rut.  Laugh and play and experiment.  If it doesn't work out, you still got to have fun and it will create opportunities for even more fun in the long run.  And you can't know what you really, really like unless you try it.

So go out now and get yourself a punch card to Fantasy Gifts (did you know they teach classes as well??).  Go when you have some extra time and ask one of the clerks to show you around, give you suggestions, explain some of those items you may be looking at wondering what the heck is that for.  They've heard it all and there's nothing you could say or do that will shock them and they are quite knowledgeable on the subject of sex.

So get that punch card, bring home some new toys and have some fun!  You'll be glad you did.

[caption id="attachment_8403" align="aligncenter" width="880"]love not fear I know I've shared this image before but I couldn't resist sharing it again. Love yourself and others fully.[/caption]


  1. soooo brave and wonderful, you:)
    (so true....easy to get too tired or too wrapped up in everydayness)
    i loved this....big thanks!

  2. Yes, so easy to get wrapped up in the everydayness of life. And so important to not let this happen :) Here's to a little fun!
