Sunday, September 15, 2013

Life Lesson 32: I Am A Powerful Manifestor

When I am in a space of love and gratitude, I am always amazed at what comes my way.  I know I'm on the right path because the Universe shows me every day.

Whenever I even have a small passing thought about whether I'm doing the right thing for my business, new business shows up.

When I decided recently I really needed to plan a bigger vacation...not just wanted but truly needed it...three opportunities showed up in just a couple of days.  When I booked the plane ticket for the first one I chose, the following day twice as much money showed up on my door step AND it was completely unexpected.

All I need to do is get clear, focus on my heart, be grateful for what I have already in my life and wait for it to show up.  It's like this for all of us.  You have the same opportunities available to you...we all do.  What will you manifest today?

[caption id="attachment_8476" align="aligncenter" width="855"]Finn My grandson - it's easy to stay in a place of love when I look at this smiling face.[/caption]


  1. Yay Michele, what a great experience - glad you manifested your desired vacation! Love and gratitude really are powerful magnets aren't they? And what an utterly adorable grandson. Yep, I think you've got the perfect prop to keep you in the love vibration. ;-)

  2. Love and gratitude are really powerful and Finn is a wonderful "prop." Looking forward to my vacation!!

  3. Michele, that little angel is adorable!!! I just want to hug him! :) So happy you manifested the vacation you dream of and deserve. I'll be needing one of those soon! LOL! I've been manifesting my lifelong dream of publishing a children's picture book! It is getting close. I am grateful and SO excited to share it with everyone. XOXO

  4. I'm so excited for you to be publishing your book! You are on your way to success :)

  5. Sometimes I forget this
    and sometimes don't put the pieces together
    very well
    ....thanks for spelling it out so crisp.

  6. I think we all have a tendency to forget how many gifts we have available to us. Here's to helping each other remember :)
