Monday, September 2, 2013

Life Lesson 19: Happiness Comes From Within

Happiness comes from within. It is not dependent on external things or on other people. You become vulnerable and can be easily hurt when your feelings of security and happiness depend on the behavior and actions of other people. Never give your power to anyone else. ~ Brian L. Weiss

[caption id="attachment_8437" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]monkey Cute little guy, hanging out at the zoo, doing what makes him most happy.[/caption]

No amount of searching anywhere else will bring it into your life.  Focus on who you are and what brings you peace, joy and a sense of freedom.  In this space you will find happiness.

30 day challenge


  1. Hey Michele! Yes, if only all the world understood the happiness and peace comes from within and not from our outer experience. It is through our own inner peace and happiness radiating out into our world that we will find the peace this world so desperately needs! XO

  2. Great one. As we move through life, we get these sort of hints that it is not a good idea to live like that. There are times when I find myself looking to others for validation, but it seems less and less the older I get.

  3. I like your actual monkey photo too. Was that at the Arboretum? (Kidding.)

  4. Lots of hints available to us. I also look to others and catch myself more and more...reminding myself that they have nothing to do with me and I need to focus on myself.

  5. Oh so true, is what the world needs!

  6. I so agree Michele. If we simply take responsibility for our own happiness, our own joy, our own beingness we're not only expressing ourselves as the powerful sovereign creator beings we are, but we're allowing everyone else to do the same. P.S. What a sweet monkey photo!

  7. I love this. It's something that I struggle with a lot, especially before I got into Massage school and learned more about myself, priorities, and what makes me happy. I have to constantly remind myself that I don't need to focus on making other people happy or doing things because I "have" to. If I don't love/want to do it and it won't kill me from skipping out, I've learned to kiss it goodbye. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Yes, we must take responsibility for our own beings in every way. It is so empowering!

  9. It does take practice, doesn't it! The more we practice, the more it becomes habit and will get easier and easier as we grow :)
